total body warm-up routine

Increase metabolism, flexibility, coordination, and balance, while decreasing the risk of injury and your waistline with this martial arts based warm-up routine. Click on the “Basics” tab to view instruction videos.  

Inhale through nose; Exhale through pursed lips, contracting abs.

Warm-up begins and ends with 3 big breaths while circling extended arms to the rear. 

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1. Arm / Alternating Knee Raises x 10 repetitions

  Inhale – raising arms overhead;

  Exhale – bringing arms down while raising left knee = 1st rep

  Inhale – raising arms overhead;

  Exhale – bringing arms down while raising right knee = 2nd rep

2. Alternating / Standing Leg Curl x 10 repetitions

  Inhale – standing arms at sides;

  Exhale – curling left heel toward hip and hands to shoulders = 1st rep

  Inhale – standing arms at sides;

  Exhale – curling right heel toward hip and hands to shoulders = 2nd rep

3. Arms Up then Down x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – raising arms overhead (wrists flexed down);

  Exhale – bringing arms down (wrists flexed up) = 1st rep

4. Reverse Wrist Flex x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – push hands down turning palms up;

  Exhale – curl hands to shoulders = 1st rep

5. Reverse Wrist Flicks x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – hands shoulder height palms up;

  Exhale – flick fingers forward = 1st rep

6. Forward Wrist Flicks x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – hands shoulder height palms forward

  Exhale – flick fingers up and down = 1st rep

7. Inside Arm Circles x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – circle arms from out to in with palms up

  Exhale – circling hands to sides= 1st rep

 8. Outside Arm Circles x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – palms forward, circle arms from in to out

  Exhale – curl hands to shoulders = 1st rep

9. Big Arm Circles to the Front x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – lift arms from sides to overhead

  Exhale – palms in, pull palms to sides = 1st rep

10. Big Arm Circles to the Rear x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – lift arms overhead, circle down to sides

  Exhale – curl hands to shoulders = 1st rep

11. Alternating Push and Pull x 10 repetitions

  Inhale – left hand palm up and pulled back, right hand extended at chest height;

  Exhale – pull right hand back while extending left arm = 1st rep

  Inhale – right hand palm up and pulled back, left hand extended at chest height;

  Exhale – pull left hand back while extending right arm = 2nd rep

12. Alternating Overhead Press and Stretch x 10 repetitions

  Inhale – left hand palm up and pulled back, right hand extended overhead;

  Exhale – pull right hand back while extending, left arm = 1st rep

  Inhale – right hand palm up and pulled back, left hand extended overhead;

  Exhale – pull left hand back while extending, right arm = 2nd rep

13. Hip Circles Left then Right x 5 repetitions each direction

  Inhale – circling hips left and back;

  Exhale – circling hips right and forward = 1st rep to left

  Inhale – circling hips right and back;

  Exhale – circling hips left and forward = 1st rep to right


14. Knees Left to Right, then, Right to Left x 6 repetitions total

  Inhale – bend knees slightly and circle from left to right;

  Exhale – straighten knees while contracting abs = 1st rep

  Inhale – bend knees slightly and circle from right to left;

  Exhale – straighten knees while contracting abs = 2nd rep

15. Knees Forward/Out/Back, then, Out/Forward/Back x 6 repetitions total

  Inhale – bend knees slightly and circle out toward sides (feet move to 45⁰);

  Exhale – straighten knees while contracting abs = 1st rep

  Inhale – bend knees slightly and circle in toward middle (feet move to parallel);

  Exhale – straighten knees while contracting abs = 2nd rep

16. Big Breath Bend and Reach x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – raising arms overhead and circling to the rear;

  Exhale – touch toes, squat, then, touch toes again = 1st rep

17. Lunge Stretch Left then Right x 3 breaths  

  Step forward with left foot and bend knee into lunge position

  Step forward with right foot and bend knee into lunge position

18. Side Lunge Stretch Left then Right x 3 breaths 

  Step to side with left foot and bend knee into  side lunge position

  Step to side with right foot and bend knee into side lunge position

19. Horse Stance Stretch x 3 breaths  

  Bend knees into squat with feet wider than shoulders

  (place hands on knees for support, or press knees back with arms)

20.Shoulder Stretch Left then Right x 3 breaths 

  Bend knees into squat with feet wider than shoulders, place hands on knees

  Roll left shoulder forward into stretch, then, roll right shoulder into stretch

21. Alternating Toe Touches x 10 repetitions

  Inhale – hands raised out to sides with feet wider than shoulder width apart

  Exhale – keeping legs straight, touch left foot with right hand = 1st rep;

  Inhale – returning to starting position;

  Exhale – keeping legs straight, touch right foot with left hand = 2nd rep;

22. Big Breath / Reach Through x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – Circle arms to rear with feet wider that shoulder width apart

  Exhale – Reach through legs with hands

 23. Standing Hamstring Stretch x 3 breaths

  With left foot forward, keep left leg and back straight while reaching for toes

  With right foot forward, keep right leg and back straight while reaching for toes

24. Standing Quad Stretch x 3 breaths

  Bend left knee lifting foot toward hip; hold foot with left hand to stretch thigh

  Bend right knee lifting foot toward hip; hold foot with right hand to stretch thigh

25. Ankles In to Out x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – keeping feet straight, roll ankles in toward the middle;

  Exhale – roll ankles to the outside = 1st rep

26. Toe / Heel Raises x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – raise toes of feet balancing on heels;

  Exhale – raise heels pushing through the balls of the feet = 1st rep

 27. Head Turn Left then Right x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – turn head to the left;

  Exhale – turn head to the right = 1st rep

  28. Head Tilt Left then Right x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – tilt head to left;

  Exhale – tilt head to right = 1st rep

29. Head Tilt Up then Down x 5 repetitions

  Inhale – tilt head up while looking up;

  Exhale – tilt head down while looking down = 1st rep

30. Head Circles Left then Right x 3 repetitions

  Inhale – circle head toward the left and back;

  Exhale – head circles toward the right and forward = 1st rep to the left

  Inhale – circle head toward the right and back;

  Exhale – head circles toward the left and forward = 1st rep to the right

Movements performed to 110 bpm music in the video, but tempo can be adjusted to suit preference.

Most movements can be executed with a 2 beat inhale and exhale pattern; stretches – 4 beat inhale and exhale.